As a PhD-student you are working towards a major deadline, at which point you are expected to publish and defend your thesis.
The employment for PhD-students is directly connected to this deadline and it’s common for PhD-students even during a normal year to worry about finishing on time.
However, when the pandemic hit it was no longer a normal year and the problem of finishing on time has been exacerbated. Many have had to revise the planning of their research studies both in a short-term and long-term perspective. Field studies, interviews, visits to archives and libraries, international conferences and courses are only some of the aspects of doctoral education that has been affected by the pandemic. Working from home also comes with a specific set of challenges.
Fackförbundet ST and Sveriges förenade studentkårers doktorandkommitté (SFS-DK) invite you to a seminar centered on the how-to of documenting your need for extension due to delays caused by the pandemic.
Hope to see you there!
Kind regards
Sveriges förenade studentkårers doktorandkommitté Fackförbundet ST inom universitets- och högskoleområdet